Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Books on the subject

   My research on what Dad was doing included the 35th Division  history files at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, his diaries, and several excellent books.  One was D. M. Giangreco's The Soldier from Independence: A Military Biography of Harry Truman.  It has recently been re-released by the Potomac Books imprint of the University of Nebraska Press Soldier from Independence.  Robert Hugh Ferrell also wrote an account of the battle and the 35th Division's failure in Collapse at Meuse-Argonne, the failure of the Kansas-Missouri Division.  Collapse at Meuse-Argonne as did Edward Lengel in To Conquer Hell To Conquer Hell. George Patton's role is mentioned in Carlo D'Este, Patton a Genius for War Patton, A Genius for War.

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